Senior Programs
BREAKFAST CLUB – Provides social interaction, speakers with information on resources & a delicious breakfast. Sponsored by the Madison-Mayodan Rotary Club. Day/Time: 1st Friday of each month/9:00am. Fee: FREE
BINGO – Socialization & friendly competition with prizes awarded. Maintain mental skills & hand-eye coordination. 1st Friday of each month|9:30am. Fee: $1.00/card
Blood Pressure Checks– Stop by the Rec on Tuesdays for free blood pressure checks. We will keep a record of your readings in case you need them for your physicians. Day/Time: Wednesdays|10:00am-1:00pm
HAND AND FOOT – Similar to Canasta, this is a card game to help maintain strong mental & strategic coordination. Day/Time: Wednesdays|1:00-4:00pm. Fee: FREE
Ladies Who Lunch– Ladies who Lunch travel to restaurants to enjoy good food and good company. Fee: Varies
M-M FELLOWSHIP CHOIR – Provides fun & fellowship. Teaches basic singing techniques. Held in spring & fall with rehearsals for Easter & Christmas Programs. Day/Time: Wednesdays/9:00-11:00am. Fee: $35.00/semester
PICKLEBALL – A racquet sport blend of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It’s low impact & easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced competitive sport for experienced players. Days/Time: Mon- Fri 8:30-11:30 |Fee: FREE
SENIOR TRIPS (attached flyer) – Whether by van or bus, there are day & overnight trips to various destinations throughout the year. Itineraries are available. Cost varies per trip.
SHIIP COUNSELING – Anyone new with Medicare that may need Supplement Insurance. Senior Center staff can make appointments for clients with SHIIP coordinator. Appointments can take place inside the senior center. Follow ups are made 2 weeks after the appointment. Contact: Recreation Specialist or Senior Center Supervisor | Ongoing especially September – December.
LEGAL AID – Eligibility: 50 years & older. Procedure: Legal Services (wills, power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, other legal matters). Senior Center gives information or helps to make appointments and open a file by calling Legal Aid of NC – Jennifer Wilson. Contact: Recreation Specialist or Senior Center Supervisor.
TAX PREPARATION/COUNSELING – Eligibility: Anyone low income or elderly. Procedure: Senior Center staff can make appointments for clients. Appointments can take place inside the senior center. Taxes are prepared for FREE. Individuals must make under $55,000 or $75,000 for couples. Contact: Recreation Center – February 1st – early April.
SWEET AND SASSY RED HATTERS – Meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Come and join in on fun and fellowship. Fee: FREE.
PAINTING CLASS – explore your creative side with this easy & fun painting class. Instruction provided as well as projects. Participants responsible for supplies. Day/Time: Tuesday once a month (date varies)/2:00pm. Fee: $10.00/person
TECHNOLOGY CLASSES – Stay up-to-date on how to use all the latest technology available or to improve your skills on your phones, tablets or laptops. Class dates/times vary. Fee: FREE
WALKING TRAIL – Located outside the recreation center, this amenity is FREE to the community.
GYM WALKERS – Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri|8:00am-11:30am|FREE
FITNESS ROOM – Equipment includes treadmills, universal weight machine, ellipticals, stationary bike, weight bench & hand weights. Fee: $3.00/visit or $20.00/month for in town & $4.00/visit or $40/month for out of town. FREE with SilverSneakers, Renew Active and Silver, Fit insurance cards & any Veteran.
MEALS ON WHEELS – Provides a well-balanced lunch as well as opportunities. Pre-registration paperwork required. Day/Time: Monday-Thursday/11:30am-12:30pm. To complete the screening process call Charlotte Garrison, ADTS Care & Resource Coordinator at 336-394-1310. Fee: Determined by ADTS
ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SENIOR GAMES AND SILVERARTS – Held annually each year, Senior Games & Silverarts is a chance for anyone 50 years of age or better to compete in sports & art categories. With such a wide range of activities available there is something for everyone! Awards ceremony held at the end of the duration with opportunities to advance to State Finals Competitions as well. View Packet Here